/ Kitty-licious
Good Morning all~
Claudio is leaving Singapore in 15mins,
to Italy, coming back on next friday.
Luca is leaving on Sunday till end of June
Working at G-Max is great, esp with Claudio and Luca.
But stress was build up by another boss i have.
Well, will be heading to TTSH on Thursday for my breast checkup.
Most probably unable to go for work as I don't know how long will the checkup and test takes.
ciao people, gotta go sleep soon.
12:43 AM
I'm having flu right now
terrible one.
not to worry, not H1N1.
this week has not been a good week for me and BF
having misunderstandings and sort of argued
but anyway, due to communications wise so we did some compromise already
I'm feeling weak now.......
i miss my bike...
1 more week or less to go then can see my bike..
Seeing my friend's around me,
70% - Married
20% - Given birth to baby
10% - dunno doing what (Yes Mr.Raymond Chan, I'm talking about you)
Hmm, dunno what is going to happen next man.
Trying my best to be a employee, GF and future daughter-in-law,
abit over-stressed i think, must think of someways to destress.
11:31 PM
was busy nowadays so did not update my blog
went to TTSH on thursday to do a checkup on my right breast as i feel something
appointment was at 9am, so woked up at 7 plus to prepare
did a ultrascan on my right breast and found out there is 3 lumps
the one that i felt is the biggest one which is around 1.6CM
the others are minor ones
so doctor suggested me to do a test to see if it's harmful anot, or do a OP to remove it
i didn't made the decision immediately as i need to talk to my mum and i wasn't mentally prepared
i was quite shocked, i am only 20 yet i am facing so many problems in just 4 months
at first was wisdom tooth, which made me on MC for 1 week
then accident after 2 weeks plus later after i went back to work, made me MC for 1 week again
now my breast.
but i was quite glad that i realised it earlier
i am going for the next appointment with my mum on the 4th June and decide what to do
i cried while on the way to work after the appointment, made BF worried, i'm sorry honey.
i am trying my best to perform really good at work
but somehow i felt that, i need someone to help me.
Claudio and Luca is out to Sepang to attend the MSS(Malaysa Super Series) and i was alone on Friday and Saturday, but lucky me to have a BF that is so nice to come down and accompany me.
Sales wasn't good on Friday, only many people asked many questions.
Sales wasn't too bad on Saturday, perhaps i sold 4 gloves and 1 chest protector.
However, first step is always not very good
it will get better, i believe .
12:42 PM
Hi all~ sorry for not blogging for days.
I got into a accident on the 30th April when i was going to work.
Right infront of Kitchener Road, the juncion at the famous scissors cut curry rice, just beside is Bee Cheng Heng..
I was in the first lane, this car who hit onto me is on the second lane.
1st lane - Go Straight & Turn Right
2nd lane - Go Straight ONLY
So i was going straight which is reaching my shop
and this car, actually did a wonderful RIGHT turn
and yes, i banged/he banged into me
this is the photo of my bike n the car
Kudos to my boss that actually saw me going in the ambulance, stayed there to wait for TP to arrive and took a snap of it.

I was sent to the hospital, while in the ambulance i called everyone that concerns me including my darling, so he took the fastest plane back to Singapore.
Oh yah, BTW, i asked the uncle who banged me, "why did u made a right turn when you're not suppose to??" and he replied "CAN WHAT, WHY CANNOT??" Before i end de conversation, i INSTRUCT him to get me my shoe for me which was about 6M away from where i landed.
I was cring non-stop sitting in the middle of the junction, when it happened, too shocked.. and remembered that i told darling not to worry about me and i promised i'll take good care of myself.. hais. My bike is currently at Bikeworkz, they will settle for me, meanwhile i'll juz rest n recoup back le...
The photos below are the injuries i had, 4days after accident.
My Swelling Foot.. which is better by abit...

My Hip/Stomach

My wrist and hand

My Arm

My Shoulder

Waited at the hospital, was unattended for 4 hrs.....
Was quite disappointed because i was told by the paramedics that they will settle my hip n right knee in the ambulance for my privacy, but nothing was doned.
Oh yes, i wan to thank the indian couple that carried me up from the road n sit on the chair and bought me a plain water n cool me down, make sure i'm alright and left. But i wasn't alright, i was still crying non-stop and hurts alot..
Well, i'm using 1 hand to type only, not bad huh ? But i gonna stop, pain le... BB!
Continued on 7th May 2009...
I would wish to thank all the people around me whom took great care of me, especially Darling, Joel and Mummy.
Anyway, my sister and my mother rushed to the hospital upon receiving my call while i was on the way to hospital.
My mum is glad upon seeing me still able to joke around, thats because i do not want to make anyone upset/angry bcos i got into accident thou it's not my fault.
My sister bought me Kinder Joy to cheer me up, she wanted to buy a soft toy, but at that time, my both hands unable to move due to pain, so my mum told her not to buy.
Then Joel came to fetch us, because Darling is currently in Phuket, he brought me to the hospital policepost and made a accident report.
My foot is still swelling, hais..
Thanks for all the people whom are concern :)
11:43 PM

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